Thursday 23 May 2013


  • A totalitarian government means a single governing entity that has absolute power over all the citizens of a nation. This government could vary from being only an individual ruling a nation to a committee or political party.
  •  A totalitarian government and leader also has plans to take over multiple countries and even the world.They are able to take  control and oppress the people of a state through the ideology of terror. 
  • Prime examples of a totalitarian ruled country, are Hitlers Germany, Starlin's Russia and Mussolini's Italy.
  • The way in which Hitler's Germany was able to strike the ideology of terror into it's people was through the Jews. It was almost as if they were saying, if you are not with us then this is what will happen to you.
  • Hannah Arendt was one of the leading critics on totalitarianism. In 1951 she published a book entitled The Origins of Totalitarianism. In this book she set out to give a detailed account as to why and how totalitarianism started. The idea that the ideology of  terror was at the centre of a totalitarian run government, came from Arendt. she claimed that a totalitarian government would crush human morality and eradicates ideas such as guilt and empathy
  • In a totalitarian run government everyone is the same because they have to do exactly what their leader tells them to do. there is a lack of individualism. Existentialists would say that people who are leaving in a totalitarian run government are inauthentic or leaving in bad faith, because they are not free, they are not able to do what they truly want to do. However saying that, I find it strange that Heidegger was an existentialists, yet he supported Hitler who ran a totalitarian government. 
  • In recent years China and North Korea are considered to be totalitarian run Countries. China mainly because it is a communist state and also it controls the population of it's country. Also North Kora is a communist state and you could argue that they are under a dictatorship run by Kim Jong-un. Even though a dictatorship and a totalitarian run government are considered to be two different things, you could argue that in order to a totalitarian government, the leader is also normally seen as a dictator in one way or another.
  • When talking about Arendt and her saying that totalitarian run government's use the ideology of terror to run a country, you could argue that in North Korea Kim Jong-un does the same thing through the might of his army and also with the constant threat of him suggesting that he will use his nuclear weapons if needs be. 
  • The idea of a totalitarian government is similar to that of Hobbes's leviathan, in the sense that there is one Devinne ruler who rules everybody.
  • Also you could argue that there are totalitarian run organisations such as al qaeda, who use the cause of religion and the terror of terrorism to try to rule. I'm sure that if al qaeda had the opportunity to rule Pakistan or Afghanistan they would and they would do it through the ideology of terror.

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