Thursday 27 September 2012

Notes From Our 1st Lecture Back

  • 'The Truth' we thought we new the truth about Hillsborough but it turned out we didn't. The Hilsborough disaster is one example to show that you never know the real truth about something even if you think you do. You only have an honest opinion.
  • A Priori is a truth that can be justified. A posteriori is something that can't be justified.
  • A priori truth- all bachelors are not married. We know that this is a fact without having to do any research because if your a bachelor then we know your unmarried because if you were then you wouldn't be a bachelor. This may sound completely irrelevant but in my media studies lecture we were talking about post structuralism and to a post structuralist saying 'all bachelors are not married' could actually be false. Reason being, as far as I understand post structuralist believe that one word could have so many different meanings depending on how one was to interpret the word. So depending on who you are you could get a different meaning out of the word 'bachelor'. But then again I could be totally wrong here.....
  • A priori truth- 'all bicycles have two wheels', or 'all triangles have three sides'.
  • A posteriori- 'all bachelors are untidy', isn't always true.
  • We see space and time because we wear space and time goggles ( Bertrand Russell ).
  • Solipsists believe that only you are sure to exist and that everyone else isn't.
  • Theoretical physics- A sheep in the distance is smaller than when it is next to you. But really its not its just further away. 
  • Berkley- Things only exist when you see them, if you can't see it, it doesn't exist. He basically thought that things flashed in and out of existence.
  • The Arabs were very dogmatic about Aristotle, he was like a god to them.
  • The Arabs were very advanced because they were the only ones that could make dome shaped buildings.
  • A prioiri- All men are mortal. But if you are alive there is no real proof that you are mortal because there is a small possibility that you may not die.
  • In Newtonian science, nothing can't be solved due to causation.
  • The idea that Jerusalem is in the centre of the earth and that the earth is in the centre of the universe, was proven wrong by Newton and also by the invention of the telescope when it was invented in the 15th century.
  • Newton was regarded as fact by many for around 200 years.
  • Astronauts are younger than they should be because they are travelling through space and time quicker than they would have if they were still on earth.
  • The verification principle- The truth about anything isn't true unless you can verify it. None verifiable principles are neither true nor false.
  • Karl Propper believes that verifiable truths can't be verified, just like the existence of god.